Saturday, August 14, 2010

IT'S ONLY 7:50PM...

and I'm so very tired. I said a while back in my post about marathon training that doing all those 10-12 milers leading up to marathon training should help me not feel so exhausted when I get into the actual training. Well, I obviously had never done marathon training before because..

I'm exhausted!!

Tim and I did 17.5 miles today. We were only supposed to do 16 but when you start on the top of a big hill and have to run a 1/2 mile down it to the actual training route to avoid paying the $3 parking fee at the National Recreation Area place, then that means you have to walk (and I mean walk!) back up that hill and that adds another mile to your training. So where did the other 1/2 mile come from? I have no idea. I wasn't wearing the Garmin GPS watch/gizmo like my husband was.

Next week is a down week, meaning that we will scale back the mileage to recover a little before ramping back up. But the week after next will be an 18-miler and it just so happens that our church orchestra will be playing an outdoor concert that night and I'm playing a solo - Flight of the Bumblebee to be exact. I don't know how that's going to work out, but I'm thinking a long nap will be in order that afternoon. Here's to hoping the temperatures will finally go down. This summer has been brutal and I'm hoping my paces will pick up as the temperature drops because running fast in this heat is hard.

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