Wednesday, September 06, 2006


It's day 6 of my 30 day challenge in encouraging my husband. The first day he was a little surprised at my comments, but I didn't let on about the challenge. I have kept up with the challenge and tried to find ways to praise him and different ways to greet him in the morning. Nothing earth shattering has happened. I don't know if I expected it would. Maybe I hope this will change him a little; how, I don't know. But I think this challenge will end up changing me instead. I'm feeling more cheerful and looking at my husband a little differently. Do you have that book by Stormie Omartian called The Power of a Praying Wife? What's funny about that book is that probably a lot of women buy it in hopes of changing their husbands. But she wisely puts the emphasis in the right place right at the beginning of the book. The first chapter is about being the right kind of wife and the longest prayer is in that chapter. We'll see what happens with this challenge. I'll keep updating the situation.

I wanted to give you a quote from a book I was reading because I think it would be fun to have y'all guess when the book was written. Here's the quote ~

"In addition to the widespread effects of unscriptural teaching, we also have to reckon with the deplorable superficiality of the present generation. To announce that a certain book is a treatise on doctrine is quite sufficient to prejudice against it the great bulk of church-members and most of our preachers as well. The craving today is for something light and spicy, and few have patience, still less desire, to examine carefully that which would make a demand both upon their hearts and their mental powers. We remember, also, how that it is becoming increasingly difficult in these strenuous days for those who are desirous of studying the deeper things of God to find the time which such study requires."

Take a guess in the comments section.


Karen said...

OH my word, I'm laughing out loud.

I have been so busy lately, that I'm mostly lurking on folks' sites.

So I drop by tonight (oh my - it's not nighttime anymore!) and read your post, and decide to pose a guess at your question. (For the record, I'm thinking sometime in the 1850's...definitely not anything recent with that wonderful, articulate language!)

Before I comment, however, I notice you're updated sidebar, and not seeing my name, think, "OH! I really need to stop lurking - Meredith thinks I don't come by anymore!"

Then I saw MY NAME!! Wowsie! You have made my day. Er. Night. Er. Morning?

Well, if I need a pick-me-up in the next day or two, I know where I'M comin'!


Bless you, kind friend!

Still smiling,

Homemanager said...

Can the "other" Karen, weigh in on this guess? I agree with Karen! LOL! :o)

It does sound like something from the 1800's During the time when feminism started influencing the church and church going became a "women's thing"...

Although, it sounds like it could be written "about" today. It is obviously not the language of today!

Don't feel bad, Karen, I have been doing more lurking than commenting or posting myself. It's the season! :o)

Blessings to you both!
Karen (from NY) :o)

Karen said...

I was thinking about you, Karen, last night - I think that God must have fun with us sometimes - There you are in NY and here I am in WA - literally across the country from each other. But so much in common, "running into each other" here and there...I really love it.

As far as lurking goes, I think that once we (*finally*) settle into our Fall schedule, I'll be able to do more blogging and actual commenting, rather than bopping in once in a while.


~Karen (from WA) :o)

Meredith said...

Hello Karens! I'm glad you were blessed by seeing your same so prominently displayed in my sidebar, Karen (WA). I knew you hadn't gone away, just busy I'm sure with your family and your wonderful anniversary trip. That must have been fun.

I'll reveal the answer about the date. The book is The Sovereignty of God by A.W. Pink and the quote comes from the forward which was written in 1918. I'll admit I was a little disheartened to read that the spiritual climate was so similar back then. I pray God will awaken our hearts AND minds to the glorious truths in scripture, sometimes called doctrine :)


Karen said...

Oh, hubby has that book on his nightstand.

Remember that nothing is new under the sun, and that when the church is thriving and beatiful, it's often when she is in the throes of persecution.

Joining you in your prayers for awakened hearts and minds by His spirit,

Roberta said...

Hi guys...a week later...That's the year our house was built, and the year Raggedy Ann was created. (for a bit of trivia).
I've been on the computer very little and it has been so refreshing...much more still and quiet in my soul.
But I do miss you all. Be encouraged in your schooling and parenting and marriages.
Roberta :)