Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Well, I've been tagged again by Karen (NY). This one is fun and I've seen it on a lot of other people's blogs.

1. Five things in my freezer ~

Homemade bread, banana muffins and banana bread made out of freshly ground wheat. Yum!

After Eights mints - my dh knows I like those :)

Various ice packs from different things.

A cup of ice cubes on the door (for little ones who can't reach).

My son says to tell you we have those pop ice popsicles that you buy unfrozen. Great deal at Aldi but they never put in enough grape ones.

2. Five things in my closet ~

Like Karen, I too, have my wedding dress up on a shelf, carefully sealed and not opened since 1996.

A box stuffed with journals from 1990.

A bag of Christmas stuff that I bought on sale after Christmas last year.

A box and a file box of papers someone needs to go through and throw out (I won't metion any names but he shares the closet :)

Suitcases - how boring.

3. Five things in my car ~

Some library books I'm sure.

My bible and journal that I read at the YMCA every morning.

Little House on the Prairie on tape.

Three yellow noodles - for the pool you know.

An empty tissue box.

4. Five things in my purse.

Paper I need to throw out.

A pad of paper for my lists.

Envelopes for the grocery fund, homeschool fund, etc.

Gum wrappers I'm sure.

And obviously my wallet and checkbook.

There. That's all you need to know about me...for now.


Roberta said...

You were double-tagged...by both Karens! So popular you are. lol
My kids have otter pops, probably like what you have..yummm!

Homemanager said...

Thanks for playing with the meme! It is fun. :o)