I think I'm finally learning an important lesson in life - be yourself. For years I've tried to make my life a copy of someone else's. Not in every way mind you. Just in certain areas like prayer, scheduling, disciplining my children, and keeping my home. I cannot tell you how many "kits" I've bought to help me in these areas and how many books I've read that I thought had the only solution out there. Here's a partial list ~
Peter Lord's prayer handbook
Becky Tirabassi's method
Ted Tripp's Shepherding a Child's Heart
Emilie Barnes More Hours in My Day
Managers of Their Homes
I'm sure I could list more. These methods and the people who developed them are great. The problem is I failed in implementing every single one of them. I'd be consistent for about two weeks and then fall off the wagon. Why? Am I an undisciplined failure? No. These methods are great and they work for the people who've developed them and for a lot of people who have implemented them for themselves. They just didn't work for me. My problem was not in implementation or discipline. My problem has been that I've been looking for that one quick solution for all these areas of my life. I haven't been looking to God and asking for His wisdom in managing my home, my prayer life, and my children. I am unique. Becky Tirabassi's prayer method didn't work for me because I don't like to write out my prayers. Emilie Barnes' method wouldn't work for me because I don't like being that organized.
What I'm learning right now is that I need to seek the Lord first. He created and designed me and my family for His purposes. I need His wisdom most of all. Reading all these books is not bad. Asking for wisdom from other people is not bad. But I need to be discerning when I read and figure out what will work for me and what won't - and don't feel guilty about it. My latest book? The Joyful Homeschooler by Mary Hood. I like the book and reading about her approach to homeschooling has freed me up from some stress and pressure I've been feeling. But I'm not going to copy her implementation. It's worked for her but that doesn't mean it's the only right way. I'm going to finish the book and take what will work for me and put aside the rest.
"But beyond this, my son, be warned: the writing of many books is endless, and excessive devotion to books is wearying to the body. The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person." Ecclesiastes 12:12-13
Read this post from the ladies at Choosing Home for more of the same thoughts.
Amen! Meredith! The Lord is the only one who will lead and direct you through all the many facets of homeschooling.
The Lord is the one who has lead me to choose my curriculum, drop outside classes, move my children around for better concentration, assign chores...every aspect. He is so awesome!
Here is a thought too...do you realize that He has each one of our children's lives and paths all mapped out? His plans and purposes will be carried out, because He is sovereign!
I have found this knowledge, taking the most pressure off.
Blessings to you, dear friend.
Meredith, it really just amazes me how often you write out a post that applies to my life. I just recently came to the same conclusion that the books people write work for "thier" family...yes, there are good principles, but I have yet to find a mold that I fit. I was thinking I could just plan my school year and curriculum as if I were writing a book to share then maybe I would be more disciplined and on track...lol. I *laugh* but I'm totally serious. :)
Meredith and Roberta,
I think you are on to something! Everyone of us has something that the Lord has shown us and we have gained wisdom and insights. That is why we need to share with one another. I don't see the whole picture, and neither do you! :o) But when we bring our pieces together, we have gained! I think that is how we grow...
I share what I have, but I want to hear what the Lord has given to you!
So get writing! LOL! :o)
Let's be "interdependent"...
I was the author that deleted the post! :o) Blogger wouldn't let me comment and then let me comment, but kept my comment in this box so I figured it didn't go through, and it already had. I didn't think that you wanted a repeat! :o)
Amen Karen!
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