It's been almost a month since my last post. Wow. It's not that I haven't had anything to write about. I actually have four posts in the works at this moment. I wish I had more time right now to ponder and write about all sorts of things...but...life happens you know. And we had some big time life stuff happen...drum roll please...we went to DisneyWorld! Yes, we took the three kids and even let my husband's brother and his wife tag along. We had a lot of fun - even with all the walking, waiting and screaming kids. One of my husband's coworkers who goes to DW often nicknamed it "Tragic Kingdom". It does seem like that when you've been walking hour after hour and waiting in line for Dumbo, Splash Mountain and Rockin' Roller Coaster. But we survived. I'll have to post more later - including pictures.
One of my children lost a couple things on the trip. We have a son who is more prone to accidents than others and his face hit the pavement in the Magic Kingdom one day when he fell off a railing. Argh! Picture a screaming six year old with a bloody mouth right in front of the Winnie the Pooh ride. Enter two EMTs with a gurney and a couple Disney personnel who make sure everything is OK. Our little boy was fine in due time less one front tooth. He even got a complimentary stuffed Tigger and popsicle out of the deal. Can you believe we proceeded to go on the Winnie the Pooh ride after that? He even rode Space Mountain two times after that!! What's even more funny about that incident is that the tooth he lost had suffered trauma several years before that. When he was around two years old, our same little son took a spill in the kitchen and shoved that same little tooth up into his gum. It took almost a year for that tooth to move back down into place. When he knocked it out last week it wasn't even loose so I guess he was never meant to have it in the first place. He wasn't done losing teeth either. The next night after we ate dinner I checked his mouth and noticed that one of his two very loose teeth on the bottom was gone. We never found it. I guess it fell into his food and he ate it or it just fell on the floor in the restaurant and was gone. I hope he remembers the excitement. It will certainly be one of the funniest family memories we'll look back on.
So glad to see you had a fun family vacation! Disney!...you are a brave bunch!
Ouchie!!! For your little guy...glad he is alright.
Nice to see you back and look forward to posts and pics.
Thanks Roberta. It's nice to know someone's been missing me! Ha, ha.
It WAS good to hear from you again! I agree with Roberta - I haven't ventured to Disneyland (that's where we go in our "neck of the woods") yet with the kiddos...I keep telling them that when the youngest child is five we'll go.
Then we keep having babies.
Kei is pretty sure she's going to have to ask her husband to take her there on their honeymoon, she's so sure that we won't go before then!
My response?
Sounds like a fun honeymoon!
(I'm really not into rides and theme parks, although I know we'd have a blast if we went.)
Welcome back!
Thanks Karen. I have to be honest, it wasn't my ideal vacation because there were so many people and there was so much walking and waiting, etc. but it was all in all a great time. I love roller coasters and really Disney has pretty lame rides compared to most amusement parks but they theme them so well and make them seem like they're so scary by putting them inside a building like Space Mountain.
I know several couples who have gone there or are going there for their honeymoon. I think it would be fun too. You're smart for not going until the little one is five. My little one just turned five and she did really well.
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