Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Here's the first picture from the Disney trip. This is at a rest stop south of Atlanta. It was obviously far enough away to make my two youngest fall asleep. All the kids are suffering from the sudden brightness of the sun after being in the car for awhile. If you're wondering what those stuffed animals are doing on the hood of the car...well...we love our stuffed animals and we each chose a companion for the trip - even adults. The brown bear is mine. His name is F.P. , he's 26 years old and don't give me any grief! *grin* Posted by Picasa


Roberta said...

too cute! :)
sooo...is the blue bunny your husband's? lol
What a fun family trip!

Meredith said...

Actually Roberta, the blue bunny belongs to my oldest son if you can believe it. He loves stuffed animals, what can I say!