Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Here's a couple more pictures. One of the highlights of the trip, of course, was meeting the characters. The first characters Sarah met were the princesses! She was very excited to see Cinderella, Jasmine and Snow White at the Magic Kingdom and get their pictures and autographs. Meanwhile, the boys headed over to see Mickey and get a picture with him. Later that day we had dinner at the Crystal Palace which featured all the Pooh characters. If you want to meet the characters without having to wait in the line, these character meals are the best bet. You have to make reservations well in advance but you get a lot more time with the characters, plus it's air conditioned! Later that night the boys hit the sack in the hotel room.

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1 comment:

Roberta said...

I love that quilt! Your boys look tired out from a fun day.