Wednesday, September 28, 2005


Yesterday my oldest son read my post about happiness and asked why he wasn't included. So I need to say something wonderful about him so he doesn't feel left out. It's not hard although we have been battling a lack of diligence with him.

My oldest son is so encouraging with his brother who's starting school this year. This is part of the reason we're working on diligence actually. When his brother writes something new in his handwriting book he wants to help him or compliment him. He's just so excited that his brother is learning. I find this so refreshing. It seems the prevailing attitude amongst siblings is to belittle them if they can't do something and you can. This is one of the major reasons I love homeschooling. My children are learning how to live with one another in an understanding way. Lessons in patience, forbearance and mercy are daily occurrences sprinkled throughout our history lessons and math problems.

Off topic for a moment - have you ever really looked at a buttercup? You know those pretty little flowers that come up with the weeds in your yard? Yes we have weeds. Actually the whole backyard has been given up because of the dog. We love him but trying to get a landscaper perfect back lawn while you have three kids, a puppy and a swingset isn't really possible. Back to the buttercup. Pick one and take a closer look. The symmetry is amazing. First you have five yellow petals. Behind the petals are five little green leaves that taper to a point. Those five green leaves are positioned right behind and inbetween the yellow petals. Then there's another set of five green leaves behind the tapered ones, of a totally different shape. To top it all off, in the center is a fuzzy yellow "ball" (sorry to the plant experts) surrounded by tiny little yellow stems with tiny little "balls" at their tips. The day I really looked at these buttercups made me realize the majestic, creative goodness of God. The Bible says that the grass withers and the flower fades, but even so He has clothed these little buttercups with more splendor than Solomon. Amazing. And even more amazing is that we are so much more precious to him than a flower that is here today and withers tomorrow. Astounding!


Roberta said...

That is so funny...I was just saying to myself last night that I need to post about my 8 yr old son, since I did so about the girls.
How sweet that he rejoices with his brother, yet another blessing for home-educating.

Roberta said...

I followed your example, and linked to you (my first link...awww...:))