Tuesday, February 22, 2005


From Ruthanne at Jellybeans and Chocolate (www.shepherdsjourney.com/jaysblog/)

1. What is your most despised food item?
I would have to say anything raw like oysters or clams. Ewww, they're slimy. Now if they're fried..
2. How many hours of sleep per night do you need to be healthy and happy.
This is an issue with me lately as I've found it especially hard to GET to sleep. I can spend an hour at least trying to get mind to stop racing with different thoughts and songs, etc. I really need 8 full hours to be at my best.
3. What Christian woman, past or present, would you love to visit with over coffee?
Well, anyone who knows me or has read this blog knows the answer to this one. Elisabeth Elliot, duh!
4. What critter gives you the creeps the most.
OK, I absolutely can't stand centipedes or millipedes. They completely creep me out. Also, we've had some slugs get in our house and I just try really hard to ignore them until my personal critter killer (my dh) can get rid of them.
5. If you could play in an orchestra for a Broadway show, what show would you choose?
I don't know about this question because I don't know a lot of Broadway shows. For those who don't know, my career before becoming a wife and mom was as a professional clarinetist. I would love to play in the Chicago Symphony clarinet section though. I've met a couple guys in the section and I love their playing. As for Broadway shows, I did play in the pit for 'Into the Woods' (was that on Broadway?) in a college production and I loved the story and the music.

From Molly (WAHC) at www.threepennies.blogdrive.com.

1. You are a homeschooler. So what philosophy/curriculum are you using so far and why?
I love this question! When we started (and this was two or so years ago) we were pretty much in the Well Trained Mind camp. I have been using The Story of the World for history and First Language Lessons for grammar. We started with Phonics Pathways and Bob Books and that worked great with our first child. I like the classical model and how sensible it is in terms of starting history at the beginning and doing it in four year cycles. Lately my dh and I have been discussing whether to do Latin or Greek with our oldest. I really liked what Rick Saenz had to say on his blog recently about homeschool philosophy. In a nutshell, I would say our goals with our children are to disciple them to be godly men and women and teach them to teach themselves.
2. Giving birth: au natural, pain-numbers or surgical help?
With our first I had a little Demerol which made me totally loopy. We were trying to go without an epidural and I went from 7-10 cm in about 30 minutes so there was no time to get one either. So when it came time to push, I just wanted him out of there! I was rewarded with a beautiful baby but an hours worth of stitching up and not being able to walk normally for three weeks. When number 2 and 3 came along I knew I wanted an epidural because I felt I could control my body better that way. Those labors were much easier, needless to say.
3. I see you like *good* books. List your top five works of fiction.
I am bad about reading fiction. I mostly read non-fiction. I've been trying lately to read the stuff I should have read when I was younger, but I have a bad habit of starting a book and then going on to the next one. Anyway, I'll try to scrounge up five. (Not in any specific order.)
1. Pride and Prejudice
2. Watership Down
3. Heidi (read it to my kids)
4. LOTR plus the Hobbit
5. Though the Darkness Hide Thee (by Susan Wise Bauer)
4. How did you meet your husband?
We were set up on a blind date by some mutual friends. When we met, he had just had knee surgery and he was growing a beard in order to play a role in the Atlanta Passion Play. So he was scruffy and had a limp!
5. Coffee, tea or hot chocolate?
Right now, coffee. But I can never resist some herbal tea and good conversation.

If you want to play along --
1. Leave a comment saying, "Interview me!"
2. I will respond by asking you five questions here on my blog.
3. You will update your blog with the answers.
4. You will include this explanation and offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.


Ruthanne said...

Ha ha, Sorry about my #3 question, Mere. You're right -- Duh! LOL I just fergot. :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, Meredith...turnabout! Would you interview me? :-)